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After soaring

已有 195 次阅读2022-9-1 10:00

After a roar, the nine demons rose into the air, drew a huge arc in the void, and then fell heavily toward Xuanluo. At the time of falling, the Nine Youyou Demon God made a virtual move, and in the middle of the earth, the black thunder and lightning halberd, which had been inserted into the depths of the ground, roared out of the air again and sank into the Nine Youyou Demon God's hands. Xuanluo raised his head and looked coldly at the nine demons that had been split with an overwhelming momentum. Just a brief encounter. Although the matter is hasty, Xuan Luo did not congeal all the power. But this is enough to let Xuan Luo understand the difference between himself and the other side on the level of power-simply on the power of the nine demons have reached the peak of power! "唳 ! When there were fifty feet away from Xuanluo, there was a trace of crazy killing in the dark pupils of Jiuyou Demon God. With a sharp roar, the halberd in his hand was thrown out again. At the same time, his palms were closed. Jiuyou Demon God's chest rose and fell sharply, and the waves of Jiuyou demon gas in his body quickly converged between his hands. Once again into a compressed to the real black ball of thunder and lightning, hands a raise, the terrible black ball of thunder and lightning out of the air, where the space is like dry land, one after another chapped. Crash! "Xuanluo finally escaped from the rock mass, and just a moment of strength was enough for him to take the opportunity to expel the nine evil spirits that had invaded his body and blast them into the mountain behind him." Field! With an exclamation, Xuanluo's legs bent and flicked, and he flew away like lightning to meet the nine demons. Halfway, with a single palm, a dark field of brilliance expanded at lightning speed. The thunder and lightning halberd, together with the nine demons, was instantly circled into the realm by Xuanluo. There was a flash of brilliance in the void, and Xuanluo disappeared. The place where Xuan Luo finally disappeared, from time to time there were bursts of explosions and roars, but there was no one there. I do not know how long, a figure suddenly catapulted out, with a canopy of black blood,ultrasonic cutting machine, fell heavily on the ground, motionless. Choke! Immediately afterwards, a black halberd of more than twenty feet shot out of the void. Shoot next to the corpse of the Nine Demons. Not far from the body of the nine demons, there was a flash of light. Xuan Luo half crouched on the ground, his whole body covered with blood. Ahem! Xuanluo while stroking the chest, while constantly coughing, mouth constantly spit out blood, the blood splashed to the ground, but issued such as acid corrosion "Zizi" sound. Despite borrowing the power of the "realm", Xuanluo unexpectedly involved the nine demons in the realm, and then used the power of the realm to kill the powerful nine demons in one fell swoop, but he also suffered a lot of injuries. Silently breathing for a moment, Xuanluo's breath finally stabilized, and his face was ruddy. I don't know about the other clansmen. I hope they're all right! Xuanluo glanced at the strength of the nine demons not far away, and after deeply experiencing the power of the nine demons, ultrasonic dispersing machine ,ultrasonic molten metal, Xuanluo could not help worrying, deeply worried about other clansmen. There are still some scattered low-level demons in this plane that have not been cleared away, and Xuan Luo is not ready to clear them one by one. Although there are no strong people in this ordinary plane, it is enough to deal with a few demons together. The most urgent thing is to inform the temple of the new situation as soon as possible. Xuan Luo did not dare to delay again, at the foot of a step, people have pulled out of the air, flying up a hundred Zhangs or so, crashed into the void disappeared. Then there were two fierce battles, United with Mujue and Wuluo. Xuanluo killed the two Jiuyou Demons in the adjacent plane. All three of them were in trouble. Fortunately, Xuanluo arrived in time. Otherwise, if he delayed for a while, he would not be the Jiuyou Demons. Mu Jue, Wu Luo, you hurry to inform the other clansmen, I return to the temple, inform the four supreme! The appearance of the Nine Demons is too abrupt. I'm afraid there's a big move! Xuan Luodao. Well, you go, my Lord. We'll inform the rest of the clan. The strength of these nine demons is so terrible that our attacks are often corroded by the nine demons before they hit their bodies! Remembering the face of the nine demons, Mujue was still shocked. The last time he faced them, the Pangu clan had to deal with these nine demons, but Mujue didn't feel it yet. This time, he felt the horror of these nine demons in person. The three men discussed for a while, and then separated. Mujue and Wuluo dared not separate again. They flew to other planes together, looking for other surviving clansmen, while Xuanluo flew in the direction of Taigu. So swift and swift, thousands of miles in an instant, about half a day later, Xuanluo suddenly heard a long roar in the distance, Xuanluo heart moved, that is the agreed signal before departure, immediately changed direction, to the place where the roar came. Lord Xuanluo, you're here! Moments later. In a meteorite belt, Xuan Luo saw a group of clansmen, each with injuries. These people were very excited to see the arrival of Xuan Luo. What are you doing here? Xuanluo's robe danced and slanted down from the void like a big bird, falling on the oval meteorite with a radius of about one hundred feet and a rough surface. Soon after we finished washing the demons in the plane, we met the nine demons one after another. In the people's successive statements, Xuan Luo probably knew the whole story. Everyone is basically the same. However, the strength of these clansmen is inferior, simply can not defeat the nine demons, only to maintain an invincible situation, but to see the fight, they only escaped. You get together for a while, so that when you meet a single nine demons, you can watch each other. You go to look for other people first. The raid of the Nine Demons was so sudden that everyone finally acted together. I'll go to Taigu first and report the situation here to some of you. The appearance of the Nine Demons here has completely transcended the level at which we were originally dispatched to carry out the'cleansing 'program of the plane. At present, we alone do not have the ability to fight against these nine demons. Moreover, we do not yet know how many of the nine demons have reached the void, I hope not many! Now,ultrasonic handheld welder, only a few supreme and some of the top strong people in the clan have the ability to deal with the Nine Demons! I'm going to tell a few of you. Ask for a few supreme rulings! Then Xuanluo wanted to fly to Taigu. At that moment, a cry came from the crowd: "Your Excellency, please stop!" 。 fycgsonic.com






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